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Improving motorcycle training: consultation results

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Learning to ride, Motorcycle trainers
motorcycle consultation icons

Last year, between 30 December 2016 and the 17 February 2017 we held a consultation on proposals to improve the way that motorcycle training works in Great Britain. I wanted to go through each of the proposals, the level of support received for each proposal and explain how we’re going to progress these. 

Lock it or lose it: motorcycle and moped security and theft

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Learning to ride, Motorcycle trainers
Motorcycle wheel chained to steel pole

Earlier this year the Metropolitan Police launched a campaign to advise riders on how to keep their scooters safe, by using things like security chains when locking up your bike. I wanted to share some of their messages with you so you can help your pupils keep their motorcycle safe and secure.

What we're doing to improve the ADI part 2 and 3 tests

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Driving instructors
Driver at the wheel on her ADI test, alongside male examiner

As you know, we’ve made changes to the ADI part 3 test to align it with the national standard for driver and rider training and the standards check test. I wanted to update you on the implementation date for the part 3 test and to tell you about changes we’ll be making to the part 2 test.