Keeping you updated about driving tests during bad weather

...applicable test centre and the reason for cancellation. We'll continue to update you on each test slot until testing has resumed. Here's an example: To make it easier to get...
Resources to help driving instructors and motorcycle trainers provide training to learner driver and riders.
...applicable test centre and the reason for cancellation. We'll continue to update you on each test slot until testing has resumed. Here's an example: To make it easier to get...
It's been 5 months since we abolished the paper counterpart to the driving licence. So it’s important to use the right service if you need to check to see what vehicles your pupils can drive or for any penalty points …
...for many years now. From the best-sellers like ‘The Official Highway Code’ and the theory test books to’ Driving a Tractor’, we cover every category of road use in almost...
...want to use them. What we use trademarks for We use trademarks on our products to promote them, show ownership and indicate quality. Our logos are trademarks. As they’re valuable...
Over the last few years, the use of social media has grown worldwide, in fact it’s now very much a part of modern life.
...been promoting these services over the past 4 years. Thank you for that. So now I have a plea for you. Keep promoting these services and explain the difference they...
GOV.UK is the best place to find government services and information. But with so many services all in one place, what’s the best way to find what you’re looking for?
We publish lots of videos on our YouTube channel, and we love to see how well they’re shared and used across your own websites.
It’s been a while since we last published the Despatch ezine, but we’re relaunching in a new blog format that will be much more interactive.