GOV.UK is the best place to find government services and information. But with so many services all in one place, what’s the best way to find what you’re looking for?
Search or browse
We know that most people find what they want straight from a search engine like Google. They type in what they’re looking for, and click through to GOV.UK.
But we know that some people prefer to browse through the site. That’s why we set up a section for driver and rider trainers.
It’s the best place to find the services and information you need to manage your registration, book tests for pupils and read really detailed guidance about driving test policies.
You can get to it from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) homepage at www.gov.uk/dvsa. Here's a summary of what you can find there.
The approved driving instructor (ADI) section has services and information to help you:
- manage and renew your registration, and take your standards check
- become an ADI in the first place, or go on to become a fleet driver trainer
- contact DVSA from 8am to 6pm using the fast track phone service
There are similar sections for motorcycle and large goods vehicle instructors too.
Book tests and check licences for your pupils
There’s a section to book tests and check licences for your pupils. You can do things like:
- check your pupils' driving licence information
- register to book tests with DVSA
- book theory or practical tests on behalf of your pupils
Improve your skills
There’s a section on improving your training skills, where you can find information about:
- the national standards for driving and riding, and the syllabuses that come from them
- taking continuing professional development
- taking the DVSA special tests
Policies, procedures and rules
You can find detailed guides about driving test policies and test centre rules, including things like:
- the rules for observing driving tests, or filming and recording them
- guidance for examiners carrying out driving tests (known as the 'DT1') and instructor tests (known as the 'ADI1')
- copies of the driving test report form (DL25)
Other information to help learners
There’s another section that’s worth bookmarking. Driving tests and learning to drive pulls together all the services and information for learners.
It’s the best place to go for things like the rules on who needs to take a theory test, or finding a copy of the show me, tell me questions.
Improving all the time
We launched the section for driver and rider trainers late last year. Since then, we've been improving it based on how you use it.
We look at how people move between the sections, and what they search for to make improvements. For example, we noticed people were searching for the service to check driving licence information, so we added that in where people were looking for it.
We'll continue doing this, but if you've got any ideas about how we can make this better, tell us in the comments.
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Comment by Bilal sidik posted on
Do I need to register?
Comment by John Ploughman posted on
Hi Bilal.
You don't need to register to use the sections of GOV.UK that are talked about, but you might need to register to use some specific service, eg the DVSA practical test business service.
Comment by Karen Martin posted on
I sent an email to the customer services and still haven't had a reply after 7 days!!! I even wrote the name of the person I need?? - so i am finding it hard to get any service or information!!!
Comment by John Ploughman posted on
Hi Karen
Sorry that you haven't had a reply yet. Our service standard is to reply to 90% of emails within 10 working days. So a reply should be with your very soon.