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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

DVSA enhanced rider scheme: one year on

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Feature, Learning to ride, Motorcycle trainers, Resources for instructors

two motorcycle riding on road in the countryside

It’s been just over a year since we relaunched the DVSA enhanced rider scheme. The scheme is for riders who have passed their motorcycle test or people getting back on their bike after a break.  It gives them some extra training to brush up on their skills.

Where we are now

We’ve seen a hive of activity since last summer, with 561 motorcyclists taking part in the scheme. There are now over 200 qualified trainers throughout Great Britain, with more in the process of qualifying.

And last week, the Department for Transport reaffirmed its commitment to the scheme in its 2-year road safety statement.

Developing modules

We want the DVSA enhanced rider scheme to be the go-to place for post-test training.

So, after the rider has completed the core modules, we encourage them to pick extra modules to work through with their trainer. These are more targeted to the sort of riding they do – things like riding for work, riding abroad or carrying a passenger.

Over the past year, we’ve been working on adding new modules to the scheme and improving the syllabus for other modules, so everyone can get the most out of their riding.

Blood bikers

Blood bikers are volunteers who urgently transport donated blood and blood products both to hospitals and air ambulances throughout the UK.

We’ve worked with the National Association of Blood Bikers (NABB) to further develop the syllabus for riders who want to become one of these volunteers.

This bespoke module is based around all the essential safety areas a blood biker needs to understand. It covers things like urban riding, overtaking and filtering and riding on country roads.

Biker Down

Another extra module we’re excited about is the Fire Service’s Biker Down program, which is an accident scene management and first aid course.

We’ll be working with the fire service to promote this module, as we think it’s a vital part of any rider’s training.

There’s more than just riding on the road

We’re currently working on developing ways to signpost riders who have completed the scheme to good training providers who deliver training in different environments, such as track or off-road based skills days.

We want to highlight the benefit of learning new skills in a safe training environment that is completely different from road riding. The machine control skills you can learn will certainly make you a better rider, and it’s such a fun way of doing additional training.

We’re also working with them to promote the benefits of our scheme to riders who have come to them first, so riders can not only improve their off-road skills but their skills riding on the road too.

Spreading the word with motorcycle trainers

The more trainers who provide the scheme, the bigger impact we can have on making new or returning riders safer on the road.

The rider policy team has been visiting test centres all over the country, to talk to instructors about the benefits of joining the register. Through face-to-face discussions we have been able to show our commitment to the scheme and help instructors understand the qualifying process and talk them through the new syllabus.

We’re continuing to hold these events throughout the year so look out for information within your local test centre or sign up for DVSA email alerts. If you cannot get to any of the events, or still have a question, please comment below and we’ll get back to you.

Lesson plans

When we relaunched the scheme, a lot of trainers asked us for more resources, like lesson plans.

We’re working with our partners at TSO to create these resources. We want this to include lesson planning for instructors, which will be written by other trainers and kept up-to-date by us.

A new video

And finally, we’ve created a promotional video aimed at riders, highlighting just some of the benefits of taking the scheme! You can watch it below.


I’d encourage you to share this on your website and social media platforms as well as showing to riders who might be interested in the scheme. We hope it will give them an idea of what the scheme covers and why it might benefit their riding.

Updating your information

The service to find a DVSA enhanced rider scheme on GOV.UK is visited around 600 times every month. It’s really important that your details are up to date so riders can contact you. So please take a few minutes to check your information. If you need to change anything, such as your email or website address, email the details to and we'll update your record.

Become a trainer

If you aren't already an enhanced rider scheme trainer, you can find out more about becoming a trainer on GOV.UK.

Reusing our videos

Our videos are protected by Crown copyright, and the Standard YouTube Licence. You're not allowed to download (either permanently or temporarily) and reupload them to your own social media, or copy, store, or redistribute them. However, you're free to link to them, and embed them in your own website.

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  1. Comment by puza posted on

    Another extra module we’re excited about is the Fire Service’s Biker Down program

  2. Comment by robert craven posted on

    I have made my comments known on Facebook if anyone wants to read them they can do so there.

  3. Comment by John Deam posted on

    I hope that "Roadsmart" (formerly the "Institute of Advanced Motorists") is involved in this since they run advanced training courses for motor-cyclists, based on police "Roadcraft" training and have done so for decades. (I received car and motor-cycle training from the IAM).

  4. Comment by Ian Harris posted on

    I truly believe in Safer Roads through training. However. According to your statistics each qualified instructor would receive up to three pupils a year barely covering any cost of qualifying and maintaining inclusion on the register.
    The other side is the inevitable cost to the student. Albeit they may end up being a better rider the discount on insurance will probably not cover training costs. I am a DAS instructor and retired police rider. I would love to qualify but the financial incentives for both student and instructors are not in place. I direct my post test students to police “Bike safe” or very reasonably priced IAM training.

    • Replies to Ian Harris>

      Comment by Chris Higgs posted on

      I decided to get qualified for similar reasons in 2015. I have had three referrals since then, about £100 against the cost of qualifying which I estimate to have been about £1500. I didn’t expect it to be a source of income but I was expecting a little more activity than this.
      Now my DVSA qualification is up for renewal I’m not sure if I will continue. I deliver ten times the amount of training via the IAM Roadsmart programme and with the satisfaction of delivering Biker Down as well, I feel I’m doing my bit.
      The ERS is a great idea and it’s being promoted, but I’m afraid the uptake will be very small indeed unless the insurance companies recognise it and give discounts based on it.

      • Replies to Chris Higgs>

        Comment by Ian Harris posted on

        Thanks Chris. Confirms my suspicions. I’ll continue enhancing my DAS students with more advanced training if they are capable....for nothing.

  5. Comment by Craig alway v posted on

    Another money making scheme that most insurers will refuse to recognose

    • Replies to Craig alway v>

      Comment by Chris Higgs posted on

      I don’t think it’s making any money - for anyone.
      The challenge is to get people to understand the benefits that further training brings.
      Dropping the ‘advanced’ moniker is a start but many riders who need it don’t think they do and certainly wouldn’t often want to pay for something they don’t ‘get’ in the first place.
      The only thing I can think of that might persuade people is lower insurance premiums. Good luck with that...

  6. Comment by Martyn posted on

    Excellent service. I did a course 3 decades ago after qualifying to ride. Saved my life, should be mandatory a fantastic opportunity to ride safe.