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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Considering a flexible approach to providing driving tests

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A driving examiner handing a test candidate their physical pass certificate

In DVSA’s 2022 to 2023 business plan, we told you we wanted to investigate ways we could create a modern, flexible and efficient driving test service. One that is less dependent on fixed driving test centres, and takes advantage of new technology.

Our existing driving test service is based on a network of driving test centres, often with fixed long term leases. This can result in a test centre being tied to a location where the road and traffic conditions have changed, and no longer provide the best environment to assess a candidate's ability to drive.

DVSA is trialling a system which takes the tests away from the current driving test centres. At this stage it’s only a trial. We’ve told approved driving instructors (ADIs) about the trials happening at 4 locations to test the concept:

  • Birmingham (Kings Heath)
  • Doncaster
  • Dumfries
  • Mill Hill (London)

Driving test content staying the same

The driving test itself will not change, the standard a candidate must demonstrate they meet will stay the same. And the content of the test will stay the same; it will still contain the same manoeuvres, independent driving and show me tell me questions, for example.

By using flexible test locations and routes, DVSA can continue to offer a realistic driving test to candidates as Britain’s roads change and do its part in keeping our roads among the safest in the world.

If a learner is truly test ready, they should be able to pass on any roads, not just those which they have practised on. It is one of the reasons DVSA does not publish test routes, to discourage route learning.

Shared buildings

The trial is using a range of different types of buildings to do tests from such as community centres or sports and retail centres. Flexible office space is also being considered.

Some of your pupils may even feel more at ease coming to a retail centre or leisure centre they know well, rather than a driving test centre they’ve may have never been to.

In the trial, one option we are looking at is to have the driving examiner meet the candidate at the car, rather than in a waiting room. DVSA is considering how a shared location would need to have designated parking for this model.

Changing where we deliver tests from also has the potential to increase testing capacity in an area and help DVSA be more flexible where it deploys its workforce. It could more easily send examiners to areas of high demand.


DVSA has to consider many things in a project like this, around the safety of the examiners, driving instructors, your pupils and the public. This includes things such as the locations of the tests and risk assessments for colleagues, customers and the public.

All of these were considered ahead of the trial starting and will be updated as needed from the lessons learned during the trials.

Getting the views of candidates and instructors

A key part of the trial is to get the views of driver and rider instructors and their pupils who have taken part, or taken a test from one of the alternative locations. This feedback will help us ensure all aspects of the trials are considered.

To do this we are contacting all of your pupils whose test were moved to one of the alternative sites to find out what they think. If any of your pupils are asked to feed back, it’s really important that they do, so please encourage them to do so - it only takes a few minutes.

Once the trials have finished, we will also be asking ADIs who have taken a pupil to one of the alternative sites what they thought. If this is you, please look out for the survey and share your views with us, all responses will feed into the next steps.

We are also working alongside frontline colleagues, driving examiners and local driving test centre managers to get their thoughts and views to help shape the trials.

Next steps

After the trials have been completed, we will review the feedback from those who have been involved to help identify what has gone well and what could be improved. This will help determine which of the options are most successful and help map out the next steps.

We will keep you updated on this project’s progress.

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  1. Comment by Mark Cornford posted on

    Wasn't the same thing trialled before any of the lock downs occured. What happened to that previous trial ?

    • Replies to Mark Cornford>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Mark, we trialled something similar over 10 years ago with ‘taking the test to the customer’. This was before the introduction of the iPads and Sat Navs we use now, we are therefore revisiting this idea to understand if the introduction and development of new technology allows for this to be more effective. Kind regards.

    • Replies to Mark Cornford>

      Comment by Mike posted on

      Totally disagree with the idea that I’d you can drive then you can drive anywhere
      How about painting road markings so learners driving in a completely unknown area can plan ahead and use the correct lanes.
      People with local
      Knowledge have advantage.
      What about when someone has to drive 25 mikes away and have to do magic roundabouts that are not in their area.
      I really wish people would stop using that phase

  2. Comment by Peta Aston posted on

    Looking forward to seeing the results,

  3. Comment by Simon Cook posted on

    Sounds an excellent idea. I would however prefer that retails parks were not included in these plans. Those close by CV8 and Warwick are usually very busy, access roads are often gridlocked and this will clearly be counter-productive interfering in a practical driving test format.

    • Replies to Simon Cook>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Simon, thank you for your comment. We will be taking into account all challenges and feedback as part of the trial. Kind regards.

  4. Comment by SYLVIA JONES posted on

    This idea was considered a long time ago and never came to fruition.
    It is a very good idea and should be implemented through out the country.
    Pupils from Holyhead were brought to Bangor 25miles away, round trip 50miles plus lesson mileage. 2 hour lessons were required. More miles put on Drving School cars. Government said “Don’t congest cities and towns and don’t waste fuel”. So why is government department still going against the Government wishes.
    We don’t have to follow EU regulations so just get on with it!

  5. Comment by Karl posted on

    And are you looking at this model for LGV and vocational practical tests as well ?

    • Replies to Karl>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hello Karl, This trial is currently just for car practical tests. There are no current plans to explore flexible testing with LGV and vocational tests at this time, however we always keep developments in testing under review. Kind regards.

  6. Comment by Abdul Ghaffar posted on

    That’s great idea it will improve road safety and make much better driver

  7. Comment by Richard Sutton posted on

    The test centres in Coventry and Cannock Street Leicester are both located in very awkward places. This trial seems to be more of a cost saving exercise rather than helping to test the candidates

    • Replies to Richard Sutton>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Richard, thank you for your feedback. The range of trial locations have been chosen to help us identify the challenges and opportunities that may present themselves from each area and to help us best identify and inform on how any future trials or implementation may best be delivered. Kind regards.

  8. Comment by Ashley woodcock posted on

    Will these site have public toilets and a room where we could shelter if the weather is bad ?

    • Replies to Ashley woodcock>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Ashley, the necessary requirements and facilities for test candidates, instructors and our examiners will all be considered as part of the trial. Kind regards.

  9. Comment by Defrim Limani posted on

    It’s crazy what you are trying to do to pupils and examiners
    All you are doing trying to save money and not paying rent and the examiners

    • Replies to Defrim Limani>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hello Defrim, it is our priority to ensure that candidates who pass their test are accomplished drivers with the skills, knowledge and attitude to drive on all of Britain’s roads. We want to find out if this flexible approach to the driving test will help provide the best environment to assess a candidates ability to drive. As a government agency we have responsibility to ensure that we carry out tests efficiently, however we would never do so in a way that would reduce quality of the test or the accomplishment of the driving required to pass the test. We are running this trial to discover how the delivery of the test could be improved and will be taking all feedback from both ADIs and candidates into consideration. Kind regards.

  10. Comment by Carl Bush posted on

    Sounds like a good idea, however most retail parks have ANPR cameras that record you entering and leaving car parks with a no return time of normally an hour, so the DVSA would also need to ensure that ADI do not receive parking fines as the return time would be say 40mins

    • Replies to Carl Bush>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Carl, thank you for your feedback. Navigating any potential challenges that different locations and settings pose will be considered as part of the trial. Kind regards.

  11. Comment by David Walsh posted on

    Excellent. Old fashioned ways . We need to modernise.

  12. Comment by mohammed sultan bux posted on

    excellent very good idea ...

  13. Comment by N G Cameron posted on

    I will follow this new approach with interest because if as is suggested a driver should quite correctly be able to pass at any location then the roads should also be safe for vehicles and public alike which would logically lead to examiners meeting pupils anywhere at anytime. This would mean there is no need for expensive test centres. My only concern is that examiners may end up being driven in areas that they are unfamiliar with themselves, where there may be no go parts of a community or somebody may try and hijack the examiner.
    From an instructors point of view I would require certain protections about my car being taken by someone that I don't know.
    My personal thought is that this would need a lot of trialling in a lot of areas to work effectively and examiners will never know the quality of the pupil unless they use an instructors car robbing the pupil of choice

    • Replies to N G Cameron>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Neil, thank you for your feedback. Colleague and customer safety is at the very heart of every transformational decision DVSA makes. We have carefully considered any risks and have put protections in place to ensure customer and colleague safety. We will be reviewing these during the trial to ensure that we have captured all potential risks and have robust processes in place to protect instructors, test candidates and test candidates. Kind regards.

  14. Comment by Steven stenhouse posted on

    Great idea.

  15. Comment by James Travis posted on

    I would be interested if it expands to different areas. Maybe consider Milton Keynes as an option.
    Looking forward to reading the results from these areas.

  16. Comment by Jeremy Fox posted on

    How will you fix Sat Nav or independent driving by following signs for these new centres given that the first 20 minutes involve one of these to be demonstrated by the candidate? You won't be able to simply latch it onto one of the existing routes.
    Whilst the candidate is out on a test where will the instructor be able to wait? Out in the cold like when Covid rules were in place? It's my experience that the instructor is at the bottom of the list for consideration of their needs. Toilets etc.

    • Replies to Jeremy Fox>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Jeremy, thanks for getting in touch. The necessary requirements and facilities for test candidates, ADIs and our examiners will all be considered as part of the trial. We will also explore the challenges and opportunities flexible driving tests create. We will be grateful for all feedback from instructors and candidates throughout and after the trial. We are exploring how the test can be improved and ensure we are providing the best environment to assess a candidates ability to drive. Kind regards.

  17. Comment by Dwayne Thomas posted on

    Hi, I am wondering if you consulted your staff about this idea? Given that refused to help with waiting times by conducting more shorter tests will they be any more receptive to working out of their own cars?


    • Replies to Dwayne Thomas>

      Comment by Kristie (DVSA) posted on

      Hi, thanks for your comment. We have and will continue to work closely with colleagues throughout the trial to ensure that they remain up to date with the latest information and guidance. Any feedback received will be considered during and after the trial has been completed. Kind regards.

  18. Comment by Mike Gange posted on

    The proposed changes to the location of a driving tests, must include basic requirements.
    First —- a reasonable car park, not just a couple of spaces, these must be away from public use
    Second — toilets with easy access, and close to where the car parking spaces are located
    Third— where do the ADI’s wait while their pupils are on test, especially in bad weather conditions?
    I understand that you are trying to creat a modern flexible testing infrastructure , but let’s not change just for the sake of changing!
    Pupils expect and respect organised structure, starting in a shopping centre or other similar buildings would in my considerable experience, be very off putting.
    Pupils respond positively to authority, if you take the testing system to far to a add-hoc system they may not take the testing as seriously as they do now!
    This seems to be just a simple case of cost cutting by the DVSA, getting out of long term leases of established test centre’s.

    • Replies to Mike Gange>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Mike, we are grateful for your feedback. The necessary requirements for test candidates, ADIs and our examiners will all be considered as part of the trial. It is our priority to ensure that candidates who pass their test are accomplished drivers with the skills, knowledge and attitude to drive on all of Britain’s roads. We want to find out if this flexible approach to the driving test will help provide the best environment to assess a candidates ability to drive. As a government agency we have responsibility to ensure that we carry out tests efficiently, however we would never do so in a way that would reduce quality of the test or the accomplishment of the driving required to pass the test. We are running this trial to discover how the delivery of the test could be improved and will be taking all feedback into consideration. Kind regards.

  19. Comment by Graham Carroll posted on

    I'm really sorry to be so cynical, but reading between the lines, it seems the need to have a flexible approach, is about the dvsa's needs, not future drivers needs. Sadly you overestimate the skill of a novice driver, and their ability to pass a test on unfamiliar areas, that even experienced drivers would struggle with.
    .. Sorry.

    • Replies to Graham Carroll>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Graham, thank you for your feedback. It is vital that learners are prepared to drive safely on all types of roads before taking their test, rather than simply learning driving test centre routes. We want to find out if this flexible approach to the driving test will help provide the best environment to assess a candidates ability to drive. We are running this trial to discover how the delivery of the test could be improved and will be taking all feedback into consideration. Kind regards.

  20. Comment by Phillip posted on

    Why can’t Blackpool now be considered for this ?

    • Replies to Phillip>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Phillip, thank you for your suggestion. Once we have received the feedback from the initial trial stages and have identified what has gone well and what could be improved we will plan and map out the next steps, and consider future locations. Kind regards.

  21. Comment by Stephen Bingham posted on

    I think having local community centre shared office space could make the candidates feel more at ease
    Could be a saving on DVSA leasing buildings that potentially cost a lot of money
    Could be easier for the examiner if they live local to these types of places rather than travelling probably further than need and therefore completing more tests in a day especially when in summer we have more daylight and I understand about traffic peak times but pupils should drive in all conditions
    These are some of my views

  22. Comment by David Wilson posted on

    I'm sure this has been done before meeting at Halford carpark etc

    • Replies to David Wilson>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hey David, thanks for getting in touch. We trialled something similar over 10 years ago with ‘taking the test to the customer’. This was before the introduction of the iPads and Sat Navs we use now, we are therefore revisiting this idea to understand if the introduction and development of new technology allows for this to be more effective. Kind regards.

  23. Comment by Tony Mihill posted on

    I believe this has been tried before & didn't work. Is this just another way of the DVSA getting rid of real estate? Whilst I am all up for modernising I think examiners having support of other examiners at the same location would be worth more. Travelling to other locations other than a set test centre will inevitably hamper examiners doing overtime etc and make staff harder to manage. Technology can only do so much!
    The DVSA should really be concentrating on recruiting more examiners to bring the waiting times down and offering a better service in the future.

    • Replies to Tony Mihill>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Tony, thanks for your message and feedback. We trialled something similar over 10 years ago with ‘taking the test to the customer’. This was before the introduction of the iPads and Sat Navs we use now, we are therefore revisiting this idea to understand if the introduction and development of new technology allows for this to be more effective. We are running this trial to discover how the delivery of the test could be improved and will be taking all feedback from both ADIs and candidates into consideration. We’ve recruited almost 500 examiners and are currently recruiting more to help provide more tests. Kind regards.

  24. Comment by Brendan posted on

    Sound a good idea, are there any plans to allow more customer sites for LGV 3B testing?

    • Replies to Brendan>

      Comment by Josh (DVSA) posted on

      Hey Brendan, thanks for your comment and positive feedback. This trial is currently for car practical tests. There are no current plans to explore flexible testing with LGV 3B testing at the moment, however we always keep developments in testing under review. Kind regards.