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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Improving the driving test experience for candidates

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Driving instructors, Driving test, Feature, Learning to drive, Resources for instructors

Examiner marking the test using a tablet

I’m Paul Bailey and I’m the lead user researcher working with DVSA to create an app that will allow examiners to digitally record driving tests and make life simpler for customers.

Understanding user needs

User research enables us to learn about users and create services that meet their needs.

Without it, it’s difficult to know what problems need to be solved, what to build or if the service you create will work well for the people who use it.

To understand the needs of people who use the driving test, the project team has travelled the length of the country visiting over 40 test centres, attending conferences and talking to everyone involved in the driving test experience.

We learned a lot about the day to day issues examiners and candidates had with the current service and what they'd like to see improved. This presented us with a number of unique challenges!

Minimising distraction during the test

From the start of the project making sure tests were still carried out safely and smoothly was our primary aim. It was vital users weren’t distracted by any changes.

To see how the app, and digitally marking the test would work, we carried out over 50 in-car simulated tests with examiners. This allowed us to understand how they log results whilst maintaining focus on the road. To do this we measured the amount of time an examiner took their eyes off the road to mark a driving fault using the app compared to what they currently do on paper.

These insights helped us to continuously improve our design and meant we could minimise the amount of time needed to mark a driving fault in a moving vehicle.

Marking during the test

To allow the examiners to recall which part of the test they have conducted, they'll record when they have carried out certain requirements on the app.

We know anecdotally, something that can potentially distract candidates is seeing the examiner mark something on the DL25 during the test. It can cause them to worry they’ve done something wrong.

So, I wanted to reassure you and your candidates, that seeing the examiner using the tablet during the test does not automatically mean they’re marking a fault. They might be confirming that they’ve carried out the manoeuvre.

Improving the test for candidates

Although the app will be used daily by our examiners, they aren’t the only users we needed to consider during the design process.

We needed to understand if changing from paper to a digital process would impact the candidate’s journey too.

To do this we held candidate interviews and workshops. The aim of these was to:

  • understand the current candidate experience
  • review when the candidates would interact with the new app
  • review the proposed candidate feedback emails for both a pass and failed test

Making candidate declarations more accessible

One of the first times candidates will use the app is signing the insurance and residency declarations.

The current signature box and text on the paper DL25 is very small. It can be hard for the candidate to read and understand this.

The new app makes this much more accessible for the candidate as the text and signature box are much bigger. It also allows the candidate to re-sign the declarations if they’re unhappy with their signature.

Simplifying the test results

debrief screen example

We've been asked a lot of questions about the new test summary candidates receive. During the candidate workshops we talked to them about the test summary, what they thought about the existing format and any changes they would like to see.

Although it’s a legal requirement for candidates to receive a paper pass certificate, the test debrief will still be given verbally and a copy of the summary will be sent digitally or on paper.

Understanding what test faults mean

post-it notes saying 'good to separate faults around screen' 'like the colours very clear' and 'easier to read and know what you've done wrong'

Our research showed that nearly all the candidates we interviewed hadn’t read the back of their paper copy of the DL25, which sets out what the faults marked on the test mean.

This is important information which can help candidates better prepare themselves for either re-taking their test or driving safely independently.

The new summary form will link to this fault report on GOV.UK, underneath the list of the candidate’s faults.

We’ve reviewed the wording of these faults, to make them simpler to understand.

A better layout

To make it easier for the candidates to see the faults made during their test, the report will show them in order of severity. So, dangerous and serious faults are listed above driving faults.

This will make it clearer for the candidate and their instructor to see what they need to improve on. The new list will also make sure candidates and their instructor don’t miss anything important.

Easier with digital

Something else the candidates we spoke to mentioned was the ease of having the report sent digitally. It meant they didn’t need to worry about losing the paper after their test.

They also didn’t need to think about giving their copy of the report to their instructor, and not being able to take it home with them. The digital report will allow candidates to forward a copy of their report, if they choose to, to their instructor or any accompanying drivers.

A more accessible report

The electronic summary report will also make it easier for candidates with special accessibility needs to view and understand it.

We know some candidates with accessibility needs will have certain settings on their digital devices, this could be enlarging the text or having a different coloured background.

Sending the report digitally means they’ll be able to view their report in the way that suits their needs best.

Meeting GDPR regulations

Something many of you have asked is whether the system can send both you and your candidate a test summary.

Because of GDPR regulations this isn’t something we’re able to do. Data collected during the test is owned by the candidate. It's up to them who they decide to share this with.

They can either give their permission for their summary to be sent to the instructor’s email at the start of the test, or send a copy from their own email. The email should be sent nearly instantly, so you’ll be able to review this with them after the examiner’s debrief.

The new layout of the summary should also help you structure the conversation after the test.

Designing a service that works for everyone

Throughout the project we've worked closely with the DVSA's 'Staff Enabled Group' to really understand additional needs and make sure everyone can use the updated service.

We've conducted usability testing with users who have additional needs and had an independent accessibility audit to make sure that people with disabilities or other legally protected characteristics can easily use the service.

For people who don’t have access to the internet or lack the skills or confidence to use it, we’ve made sure that assisted digital support is in place.

Next steps

We've begun to start the roll out process across car driving tests. So, you might start to see some of your candidate’s tests carried out using the app.

We’ll be introducing the process gradually, using a small number of examiners and tests, but by the end of the year the aim is for the majority of car tests to be done digitally.

The new process is more efficient for examiners, will improve data accuracy and reduce the time needed to process test results for candidates. It's another giant step forward in the DVSA’s vision of becoming a digitally-enabled organization.

If you have any questions about research, design, or how the app works, please let me know in the comments.

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  1. Comment by Martin posted on

    Would instructors be able to down load app to use on mock tests

    • Replies to Martin>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Martin, this is for DVSA examiners only. It won't be available to download.

      • Replies to Olivia (DVSA)>

        Comment by Martin posted on

        Would there be something similar for instructors to use to make mock Tests more realistic

        • Replies to Martin>

          Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

          Hi Martin, yes we'll be sharing a paper version of the new DL25 as well as new mock test guidance.

    • Replies to Martin>

      Comment by Norman Corke posted on

      Why can't ADIs use the app too please especially as the Regulation 16(9) of the Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations referred to mobile phones not technology otherwise sat nav would be excluded too

    • Replies to Martin>

      Comment by Andrew Millier posted on

      I noticed as in so many other "improvements" you make, the most important people involved in driving lessons have been left out, after all there are about 40,000 of us instructors and seeing as we are the ones dealing with test candidates, and know and understand them far better than your little survey. It would and should have been us that were consulted first.
      After all, we are the ones delivering test candidates, without us, they wouldnt even be there.
      If you had consulted properly with us, you may then realise, how important it is to discuss test results immediatley after a test, reading through the markings etc, whilst it is still fresh in the pupils memory
      .Its no good hoping the pupil may send you a copy at a later date, they may never see that instructor again and only his or her experience can help.

  2. Comment by Rob Tillier ADI posted on

    Hi Paul
    This is a fantastic move forward in this current technology age and is most welcome.
    My big question is, 'How soon after the test is completed will the candidate have access to the summary sheet?' Whatever the result, I have found that immediacy of review (I mean immediately after the examiner has left the car) with my client post test is a crucial aspect of the service I offer my clients and critical to their better understanding of their pass/fail.
    If the upload and accessibility is immediate that's great. If it is once the examiner is back to his/her desk that's acceptable. If it's any more than 5 minutes then that represents a problem.
    Thanks for you help in this matter

    • Replies to Rob Tillier ADI>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Rob, the test summary report should be sent nearly instantaneously after the debrief is given.

      • Replies to Olivia (DVSA)>

        Comment by Rob Tillier posted on

        Thanks Olivia - that's great news. Presumably sent to the email address specified in the test booking?

  3. Comment by Mike Hales posted on

    Once again, the DVLA are trying to “ reinvent “ the driving test when there was absolutely nothing wrong it.
    Just like you’ve introduced using a Sat Nav.
    and Motorway driving etc.
    All these things come with experience... stop trying to cram everything into one driving test !!!!

    • Replies to Mike Hales>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Mike,

      We're the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency.

      DVSA wants to make sure that training and the driving test reduce the number of young people being killed in collisions. The changes made to the test in 2017, were made because

      - most fatal collisions happen on high-speed roads (not including motorways) - changing the format of the test will allow more of these types of roads to be included in driving test routes
      - 52% of car drivers now have a sat nav and we want new drivers to be trained to use them safely
      - research has shown that new drivers find independent driving training valuable - they can relate it to driving once they’ve passed their test

      Motorway driving lessons were introduced in June 2018, to help broaden the experience learners driver have before passing their driving test. They are not compulsory and aren't part of the current driving test.

      Replacing the paper DL25 with a digital app will modernise the way our examiners work, making it easier for them to carry out their jobs and provide a more streamlined process for new drivers.

      • Replies to Olivia (DVSA)>

        Comment by Peter Glenn. posted on
        Olivia (DVSA) posted on on 14 October 2019

        Hi Mike,

        most fatal collisions happen on high-speed roads (not including motorways) -

        This statement is factually incorrect, the highest figure 30 percent, is failing to take effective observations at junctions; these are Department of Transport figures.

        • Replies to Peter Glenn.>

          Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

          Hi Peter,

          In 2018, there were 661 fatal accidents on high-speed roads (51mph to 70mph, but not including motorways). These led to 726 deaths.

          This is compared to 616 fatal accidents on roads with speed limits up to 30mph. These led to 627 deaths.

          In 2018, the most common contributory factor in accidents was loss of control, which led to 414 deaths. The second most common factor was failing to look properly, which led to 392 deaths.

          You can find out more about the latest road accident statistics published by the Department for Transport at

          • Replies to Olivia (DVSA)>

            Comment by Derrick Coward posted on

            Why is it that you can't seem to get your wording consistent?

            One moment you're using the word 'Accident' then 'Collision' then 'Crash'.

            The word to be used is 'Crash'. As you should know, crashes are extremely rare, they are caused, usually, by a person making a mistake.
            However, a mistake doesn't make it an accident. We are all responsible for our actions whether we call it a mistake or not.

            So please, for once and for all, make the use of the word accident - at least throughout DVSA- standard.

            Kind regards,


      • Replies to Olivia (DVSA)>

        Comment by Ron posted on

        The sad thing is, an awful lot of candidates that come for the test have never been trained with Sat Navs. Not only that but since the left reverse and turn in the road has been removed from the test, many candidates are not being taught this either. These should have been left in the test and new ones added.
        its worrying when the candidates are not being trained on things like this because they don't need it to pass the test.

    • Replies to Mike Hales>

      Comment by Rob Tillier posted on

      I am really saddened by your feedback.
      1) This is not about changing the test but changing the method of recording the test outcomes to a far more effective method than paper.
      2) The changes that have been made to the test have caused driving instructors to enhance what they teach and thereby get safer drivers on the road immediately post test. You are right about experience, but experience is only any good if it is built on a solid foundation of skills and knowledge developed from quality training. There are millions of motorists experienced in motorway driving, but most are very poor at it because most have not been trained to drive in that environment.

      • Replies to Rob Tillier>

        Comment by Mike Hales posted on

        Hi Rob,
        I’m sorry you feel saddened by my response, but it’s reality.
        1) whilst these days technology seems to be the “ norm”, I fail to see how going from paper to a tablet, increases in any way to a
        pass/ fail result ??
        2) it is well known .... or should be, that the brain is not fully developed until the mid 20s, which means that “ legal adults” ( those aged 17 + ) are allowed to make adult decisions, without fully mature brains.
        Meaning, someone of that age, may make riskier decisions than someone in their mid 20s in part due to lack of experience, but primarily due to an underdeveloped brain.
        3) I always consider myself to have given the very best tuition, but once passed, they will do what they want once out on the road !!
        4) A lad in my street has recently passed his test, and now drives round in a what I consider to be a high powered car.
        He drives down our street as fast as he can, if only to show off the noise it makes ....
        Instead of putting these young people on curfews, STOP the size of car they can purchase, cars they can hardly handle !!!

        • Replies to Mike Hales>

          Comment by Chris x posted on

          Ah a good idea for once not the stupid stop young drivers from driving early mornings and late at night or limiting them to one passager rubbish the government keeps debating
          A power limit is far more sensible say something like a 1.4l or 100hp limit for the first two years with certain exception e.g vans if being used for business/trade use

    • Replies to Mike Hales>

      Comment by Andrew Millier posted on

      You are spot on with your remarks Mike, its always the same but the people at the "work" end of scale never matter.

  4. Comment by Jonathan Bright posted on

    I think it is an excellent idea to have a different coloured background, to aid reading. With regards to the digital copy being sent to pupil, can a copy be sent to their coach/ instructor? Or would it be down to the pupil to forward it to us ?

    • Replies to Jonathan Bright>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Jonathan,

      Because of GDPR regulations this isn’t something we’re able to do. Data collected during the test is owned by the candidate. It's up to them who they decide to share this with.

      They can either give their permission for their summary to be sent to the instructor’s email at the start of the test, or send a copy after the test. The email should be sent nearly instantly, so you’ll be able to review this with them after the examiner’s debrief.

    • Replies to Jonathan Bright>

      Comment by Rob Tillier posted on

      Hi Jonathan
      I book my client's tests for them and have all details sent to me. Makes it easier for me to schedule their test around my availability and also make sure that test date/time are what they say they are!
      Benefit for future will be that the test feedback will come directly to me and if I understand correctly will arrive at about the time I am ready to leave the test centre. Perfect then for stopping on the way home from test to discuss the test outcome whether it be a pass or a fail.
      Hope this idea helps.

      • Replies to Rob Tillier>

        Comment by Jonathan posted on

        Hi Rob, thanks for the idea. I encourqge pupils to book their test, ( encouraging them to take responsibility, is what its all about) however in our terms we ask them to agree availability prior to booking.
        Another reason for capturing info, is to help form an agreed plan for future practice for next test, alao to see if there are re occuring areas , this helps me ensure appropriate focus is placed on lesson plans and my own teaching methods.

  5. Comment by Lawrence Beazley posted on

    I give all my students mock test so that they can get used to the process and make them aware of how not to get distracted by the process. I would like to be able to simulate this new implementation in the future, are there any plans to enable ADIs to do this?

    • Replies to Lawrence Beazley>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Lawrence, we'll be sharing the new DL25 with you soon. We'll also be publishing new official mock test guidance, following our recent survey asking instructors how they use mock tests.

  6. Comment by Rupert posted on

    'for examiners only'... Why ?
    'won't be available to download'... Why not ?

    • Replies to Rupert>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Rupert, we'll be sharing an updated paper version of the new DL25 with the industry soon.

  7. Comment by Craig posted on

    Why is your app (or a similar version) not available for instructors? Whether the DVSA likes it or not, the mock test is a vital part of most pupil's preparation.
    As part of your roll out of this, you should have created an app for instructors - OK it doesn't have to have all the 'secret' DVSA bits included but it should look the same to the pupil.
    Your reply to Martin above was frankly blunt and not helpful at all.

    • Replies to Craig>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Craig, we agree that mock tests are a vital part of a pupil's preparation, which is why we ran a survey recently about what you think should be in our official mock test guidance. We'll be sharing the results of the survey with the industry soon.

      It is illegal for instructors to use technology such as a tablet or phone while supervising a learner driver. We will however be sharing a paper version of the new DL25 with you soon.

      • Replies to Olivia (DVSA)>

        Comment by Chris posted on

        So why is it legay for the tester to use one? I'd imagine as far as the law is concerned they tester has a responsibility to ensure the candidate is driving safely and intervene if necessary?

  8. Comment by Colin H Clark posted on

    Will you be using the e mail address on the test application to send the e mail to even if it isn’t the candidates e mail address, ie if instructor books test with their e mail address?

    • Replies to Colin H Clark>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Colin, yes we'll use this email address. This will be confirmed with the candidate before the test, and they'll be given the opportunity to change it if they want too.

  9. Comment by Roy Cousins posted on

    I accept the move forward with technology. I think it's a good thing.
    My issue is on mock tests.
    The examiners, being OBSERVERS, are able to use the handheld mobile tablet/app during the drive.
    My question is how we as instructors are supposed to comply with the law while making a mock test as realistic as possible? I believe all aspects of a mock test should be as close to the real thing as possible. To do this, we would need to use a mobile device while being supervisors to the learner driver. To be realistic, we would need to purchase an iPad, phone or tablet to use whilst SUPERVISING a driver. Surely this would not be legal at this point in time. Can you clarify please.

    • Replies to Roy Cousins>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Roy,

      The way the test is marked isn't changing, you should continue to prepare your pupils the same way. We'll be sharing the new version of the DL25 soon.

  10. Comment by Simon Andrew posted on

    Hi Olivia
    So to save time at the test centre will the pupil or whoever is booking the test be able to put the driving instructors email address in, at the point of booking and then confirmed at the beginning of the test with the examiner saying "would you like the result sent to your instructor as well as yourself" as I cannot see more time being taken up by having our emails being imputed in to the system at the end of the test .

    • Replies to Simon Andrew>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Simon, the candidate will be given the opportunity to change the email before the test. If they choose to receive the summary themselves they can forward this to their instructor after the test.

      • Replies to Olivia (DVSA)>

        Comment by Simon Andrew posted on

        so now I have to encourage them to bring a phone with them on test day so I can see the test report ?

        • Replies to Simon Andrew>

          Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

          Hi Simon, we'd encourage instructors to listen to the debrief at the end of the test, where the examiner will discuss the candidates performance on test. The report can be sent to the candidates email address or another email address provided on the day, which could be the instructors if they candidates would prefer this.

  11. Comment by nigel groves posted on

    What about older instructors who do not have smartphones?

  12. Comment by Honathan posted on

    Hi Olivia, yes that makes sense of course. I’ll be discussing these sort of things with pupils going forward. Very good to be informed, thank you.
    We could refer to this as part of the terms and conditions and general info section in the driver record book.( we already refer to the GDPR since its launch.

  13. Comment by ROGER ANDREWS posted on

    does this mean we will need wi fi devices to view the test result and also have these pads been used in direct sun light not to sure if how this is a step forward like to see this in action before I can comment any more.

    • Replies to ROGER ANDREWS>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Roger, the privacy screen will prevent glare on the screen. The candidate will have the option to receive their summary report by email or post. They can choose how they share this with you.

  14. Comment by Martin O posted on

    Hi and thanks for the information. Is there a list of test centres currently trialling the app and what is the expected roll out date please?

    • Replies to Martin O>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Martin, this is being rolled out gradually. Majority of test centres should be using the app by the end of the year.

  15. Comment by david hastings posted on

    After the driving test has been completed, will the driving examiner write up the details of the test including any serious or dangerous faults committed by the test candidate and will those details be available to the test candidate should they decide to dispute the result or the way the test was conducted and take the case to court?

    • Replies to david hastings>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi David, examiners will still write up the serious and dangerous faults on failed tests, as they currently do. The write ups will still be available to the candidate under Freedom of Information.

  16. Comment by Barry posted on

    Unfortunately the driving test is flawed in many respects, far too many to address here. However recording a fault by whatever means is of little value if the candidate is not receptive to feedback, the system is one where instructors of indifferent ability can use the test in order to allow the candidate to learn by their mistakes. Take enough tests and they teach themselves what not to do.
    Recording a flawed concept is of little or no value

  17. Comment by Mike Nixon posted on

    As I book all my students tests via the Trainer booking system the booking will have my email address attached to it. As per Rob's comments above.
    Does that mean I need to brief my students to tell the examiner and give their own email address at the start of every test my students do?
    Or will the examiner be asking the students which preferred email address they would like the examiner to use to send the DL25 to?

    • Replies to Mike Nixon>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Mike, they'll be asked at the start of the test whether they would like their email summary to be sent to the email the test was booked with or whether they want to provide an alternative. Thanks

  18. Comment by Miss Williams posted on

    I am dyslexic I have failed my test as my brain does not work as quick so I find it difficult.
    I think sometimes examiners don't understand how hard it is for people with different conditions

  19. Comment by Mark Denley posted on

    Whilst I fully understand the legal position allowing examiners to use the device, while in the passenger seat, I can foresee eagle eyed police officers stopping vehicles on test , not realising that the passenger is not a supervising driver. Most candidates would find this scenario frightening, on top of the stress they are already under. Do you have plans afoot to make vehicles on test readily identifiable to the boys in blue? Any police stops would almost certainly cause delays on test

    • Replies to Mark Denley>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Mark, examiners will wear an ID card confirming they are a DVSA driving examiner.

  20. Comment by Jerry posted on

    So basically you just changing how the examiner records the test. It’s makes it easier and cheaper for the DVSA to use an app as opposed to the traditional printed paper.
    What makes you think that a candidate will read the explanations of faults just because they’re in app format. If one really wanted to know then one would read the back of the sheet.
    How about making the test a bit more reflective of the students abilities to operate under stressful situations?
    Better yet, how about opening more test centres so that we don’t have a 3to4 month waiting period to then have the student fail because they didn’t indicate coming out of a quite road with nobody around.
    The DVSA has become a profit making arm of the state and it should be a service provider not out to make a profit.

  21. Comment by Rob Tillier posted on

    For those questioning the legality of using an iPad whilst supervising I refer to the following:

    31/07/2019 – Director Of Public Prosecutions v Barreto
    The High Court has today handed down a Judgement, which clarifies the offence of using a mobile phone whilst driving. The conclusion is that the offence is not committed unless it is proved beyond reasonable doubt (by the Prosecution) that the phone was being used for an ‘interactive telecommunication function’ at the time of the alleged offence.

    The High Court has agreed that using a function on a mobile phone which does not involve ‘interactive telecommunication’, is not a mobile phone offence.

  22. Comment by Gary Fossey posted on

    Hi. It would be much better if, in addition to current arrangements whereby a candidate can change the e-mail address for the report to be sent to at the start of the test, there was a tick box on the form where the candidate could request that a copy also be emailed at the same time to their instructor and their email address could be picked up from their ADI Number which I'm sure will also be input by the examiner. I believe that this would satisfy GDPR requirements and might also encourage those who don't already to leave their badges in their car. From what I've been reading this is the main, if not only issue, with a very positive development and I have to say I do wonder how much input has been sought from driver trainers during the development process since their is no mention of this having happened. You talk about "talking to everyone involved in the driving test experience", "a more accessible report" and highlight "designing a service that works for everyone". Regrettably, I feel that this could be a less accessible report from the instructors perspective and a service which doesn't work as well as it should or could for everyone including the candidate if, say, they were to delete the email in disgust and is maybe spoiling the ship for a ha'porth of tar.

    • Replies to Gary Fossey>

      Comment by John Billingham posted on

      I agree with you Gary.
      It seems the less information given to driving instructors the less evidence we have when we make an enquiry to the DVSA.
      I use test results to assess my performance and highlight where I need to make improvements for the benefit of my pupils and road safety.
      GDPR is being used to withhold information from us that will ultimately improve road safety.
      Even the title Driver Vehicle STANDARDS agency is not being taken seriously when driving instructors express their genuine concerns.
      Well that my rant over.

  23. Comment by John Billingham posted on

    I welcome this step forward. However, I'm disappointed that a copy can not be emailed to the instructor.
    If the candidate requests that a copy of the test results is issued to the instructor at the time of making the booking using our unique ADI number it would resolve this problem.

  24. Comment by Richard posted on

    Hi I havent had time yet to read all comments and questions so sorry if this has been asked before:
    What format will the new DL25 be emailed in, is it a PDF or a bespoke program.
    Will it cross platform over Windows, ios and Androued? or even Linux.


  25. Comment by Mike Cook posted on

    This is all ok for youngsters who are up to date with technology, but not all students are young. I've instructed people in there 60s and even 70s. How will somebody who is digitally isulated get there results. Also agree with the comment above about what format will it be sent in. Everybody does not have Microsoft office or Adobe PDF.

    • Replies to Mike Cook>

      Comment by Olivia (DVSA) posted on

      Hi Mike, candidates will be able to request their summary by post too.

  26. Comment by Will Blomfield posted on

    It's pretty clear from this chain that *most* instructors think this is a positive development *but* we would like 1. the option of having the driving test report emailed to us as well as the candidate as an easily selected option at the start and/or end of the test 2. the app to be made available to instructors to conduct realistic mock tests. If you (DVSA) address these two concerns you'll be seen positively engaging and taking on board the instruction industries comments/concerns, otherwise we're just going to feel ignored. Oh and since this digital version of recording a test is "more efficient" will we see waiting times come down? Or the test get cheaper??

  27. Comment by Ameen Azmi posted on

    I have attended briefings by local test centre managers on two occasions where the instructors had the opportunity to ask questions. It helped remove many of the apprehensions expressed above. I think DVSA should encourage all test centre managers to invite the instructors who use their test centre to such a briefing.
    I believe using the App for recording the test is a good move for a number of reasons.

    1. About 2 million tests are conducted each year. The amount of papers used for this is incredible. It would be enormously benefitial to the environment if so much paper was not wasted. This paper also has to be shredded at some point wasting energy and labour.

    2. This will also save examiners time and give them a few minutes more between tests to rest. I believe it will help the examiners manage the tests better. An examiner is putting him/herself at risk every day supervising tests without having any idea how safe the driver is specially when there is no dual control. A few minutes of extra rest after a particularly stressful test would help them a lot. We are all humans and need time to get over any unpleasant experience. One examiner once told me that a learner in a test ended up in the hedge across the road when he lost control at the junction. There was no dual in the car so he could do nothing.

    3. Digital records are much better to keep. It takes up much less space and are also possible to access very easily.

    I will not be going into the comments made by the detractors above because it is already quite long.
    I appreciate the huge amount of work gone into this and look forward to seeing it in action.

  28. Comment by Steve Wells posted on

    Hi Paul,
    If the instructors unique number is used, could there be an app for instructors to view all their previous test results and give totals for faults etc. No need for pupil data, just time and date of tests plus totals for each faults.