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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Updating you on the ADI part 3 test

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Driver at the wheel on her ADI test, alongside male examiner

Last September, I told you about the proposed changes we’re making to the ADI part 3 test. I explained why we wanted to make these changes and the main differences in the test.

In summary, it will more closely reflect the ADI standards check to give a better assessment of the trainee instructor’s ability.

We've been busy since September, and in this short blog post, I want to tell you about what's happened and what you can do to prepare.

When we plan to make the change

We're still on track to introduce the changes in autumn 2017 as we'd previously set out.

We're aiming to introduce the changes for the start of October, following further discussion with the industry.

Ahead of that, we’ll publish the new assessment form and accompanying guidance.

Providing quality training

Many official register of driving instructor training (ORDIT) organisations have told us they’ve already started to change their processes for the new test. You can read more about this in a research report we recently published about the impact of replacing the ADI part 3 test.

It'll be up to trainers to decide what the change means for trainee instructors based on their progress to date.

I’d also like to encourage trainers to keep a record of their trainees’ progress and subjects covered. This will help develop the range of skills and knowledge required to provide effective training.

This record will also be essential for giving evidence of progress and subjects covered when applying for a trainee licence.

Keep up to date

We’ll keep you updated on this blog and confirm the date as things progress.

Sign up for email alerts or follow DVSA on Twitter or Facebook so you don’t miss any news.

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  1. Comment by Sidney Derek Beeton posted on

    Thank you for the update & the ones which are to come ; we are appreciative of efforts of DVSA Staff in bringing about safety & law-abiding measures being implemented

  2. Comment by Rod Smith posted on

    I can definitely see potential instructors just concentrating on doing one thing well and being poor at others, and log or no log , will get away with it.. needs the surprise element. I think keep the existing part 3, then offer a trainee licence, with part 4 as a standards check/final qualifying exam, .

    • Replies to Rod Smith>

      Comment by Steve Davis posted on

      I'm all for changes in the Part 3 but what's to stop a potential instructor turning up and doing a cockpit drill or move off and stop as a lesson? Or even a FLH in an automatic?

  3. Comment by Steve Britton posted on

    Do the trainees pick the subject or is it still randomly picked by the examiner. I think it should still be picked by the examiner to make sure that they can cover every subject.

  4. Comment by Andy Woodgate posted on

    The new ADI part 3 test will lower the standard of instructors
    The old test meant potential instructors had to train for 10 possible tests and 20 scenarios not knowing which one they would get on their part 3
    The new test means they only have to train for one of their choosing
    What is to stop them just training to pass the test?
    This in my opinion will flood the market with low quality instructors charging low prices, putting many good experienced instructors out of a job and will ultimately lead to a fall in road safety

  5. Comment by david poole posted on

    Thanks for the updates.
    There is a lot of talk on Facebook with concerned ADIs unsure of what is going to happen, posts like this help a lot.